Bush is proposing in his budget plan to reduce and eliminate a multitude of vital programs while increasing spending on defense and homeland security. Oh yes, we are currently in the grip of the Monkey.
The Bush budget plan would make cuts to Medicaid (attacking the sick and the poor), Social Security (targeting the aged and the disabled), Veterans' Health (during a time of war!), Environmental enforcement (now that's a great legacy for future generations), Vocational Education, Housing Assistance, and Home Heating Assistance.
So the message here is clear. Allow the environment to become poisoned, causing more health problems, that no one but the filthy rich will be able to seek medical attention for, while the majority of the country ends up jobless and homeless and our elderly, disabled, poor, and our veterans who served this country end up out in the cold. Not a pleasant forecast as we enter the Year of the Monkey Rooster.