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  • "Gimpy Mumpy: This blog is the "platform for daily rants, dark humor, news updates and discussion" from Mumpy. It also features a number of Mumpy's characterful cartoons." -Crippled Monkey, BBC Ouch. February 9, 2005.

  • "Some of the best disability commentary around is now coming from blogs.....Ragged Edge readers suggest these blogs: Gimpy Mumpy, Diary of a Goldfish, Ghetto River Nymph" -Ragged Edge Online Magazine, April 27, 2005.

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September 30, 2005



I was asked by a fellow crip recently "what's wrong with you". Lucky for him it was a green day, or he would have been toast!!

The Angry Gimp

An idiot in the elevator asked me yesterday, "What happened to you?". Lucky for him I was in the green that day. Nice system!

Gimpy Mumpy

Thanks Katie for helping me laugh a bit :)

I just get so angry when the doctors that are supposed to be helping aren't and when I find out that they never looked at test results that they ordered, and told me were fine, months ago. Now they say they never examined them, all thought the others did.....what the heck were they being payed for?? So now no one knows if my spine is fused or just hanging about waiting to fall apart and cause more pain and damage!
Oops, sorry didn't mean to rant. Must calm down!

Katie Fraser

OOPS! I'll be careful with what I say or I'll upset you!

"Calm Down Dear, It's just a simple mistake"

Sorry for the quote Mumpy, it's off a highly embarrassing commercial we have here in England with a certain Michael Winner who is a restaurant critic and TV personality!

Gimpy Mumpy

Info on why Mumpy is so effing upset to follow. Waiting for some of this steam to blow off first. (probably a good idea). This Does have to do with The Pain Doc arse and with his staff and with Doctor "No Personality" whom she saw last spring and with the infamous "Failed Back Surgery" Surgeon. It's a freakin' Trifecta of Fools. Grrrr....must calm down, sorry. Ugh!

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