An orthopaedic surgeon with a sullied past of drug addiction, license revocation and multiple counts of medical malpractice continued practicing medicine by state jumping ultimately ended up performing surgery in Hawai where he quite literally screwed up the surgery.
While performing fusion surgery on the now deceased Arturo Iturralde Doctor Ricketson lost one of the titanium rods. Ricketson then proceeded to use a hack saw to cut the handle off a screwdriver and inserted the screwdriver shaft into the patients spine. The instrumentation broke days later and Mr. Iturralde later died. His family is now pursuing a wrongful death suit against Ricketson.
This really does beg the question, How the hell was this man able to continue practicing medicine for so many years?!
Because doctors all hang together and lie to protect one another if necessary, that's why!
If you want to ventilate another doctor saga, mumpy, check out the ouch! talk site and the thread "DNR etc" posted by risingfromthe ashes.
Posted by: charlesdawson | February 16, 2006 at 10:50 AM