With another physical therapy appointment tomorrow morning I was reading the article on Soy Sauce Flavored Icecream with glee. Betray the trust of Gimpy Mumpy? Mwahaha.
I can think of a certain physical therapist who may be getting a 'gift' of this icecream flavor.
Eww eww and ewww!
Oh yeah, one more.
Posted by: Attila the Mom | June 03, 2006 at 08:53 AM
I actually had red bean ice creama dn thought it was awesome! I'd try soya sauce ice cream if I could put it on a heaping bowl of rice ice cream.
Posted by: rainypete | June 02, 2006 at 11:52 AM
I think the most bizarre icecream I have had was Mango icecream at my favorite Indian Restaurant. They make it with Rose Oil. I liked it but everyone else thought it was a terrible combination! :P
Thanks Ruth. Glad if I could help :) I love to cook, so finding ways to adapt to my kitchen and food prep was a big priority for me. No more Mac N Cheese for me!
Posted by: Gimpy Mumpy | June 01, 2006 at 12:53 PM
hehe how did the appointment go?
thx for stopping by my blog with your cooking suggestions - they are much appreciated!
Posted by: Ruth | June 01, 2006 at 10:50 AM
I once tasted ice cream flavoured with cardamom. It was very nice.
Posted by: charledawson | June 01, 2006 at 08:22 AM
Hahaha, what next? Marmite flavored icecream?
Posted by: Gimpy Mumpy | June 01, 2006 at 08:12 AM
I'd actually try this ice cream, Mumpy. Does this make me odd in any way? Yo never know, it might be yummy. Or perhaps not ;-)
Posted by: marmiteboy | June 01, 2006 at 06:45 AM